Study NFL fans watch an average of almost 24 hours of commercials in a season

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Remember when the NFL announced before the 2017 season that it would be and utilizing split-screen advertisements to keep fans tuned into games? More NFL It Russell Westbrook Jersey turns out they did just that, but fans are somehow still seeing about as many ads per week as they were before. And you might blink twice when you hear just how commercials fans see on average each year.According to calculations from 's Chris Brantner, the average NFL fan watches almost 24 hours of advertisements in a season."While the league did break for commercial fewer times per game (in 2017)," Brantner writes, "the length of its ad breaks increased from an Nick Collison Jersey average time of 1 minute 50 seconds up to 2 minutes 20 seconds ... (so) the average NFL fan will watch a full day's worth of commercials during the 17-week regular season." Brantner used' Darius Bazley Jersey s estimation of time spent per week by fans watching games (4.2 hours, or 8.7 hours if you also play fantasy football) and multiplied it by the percentage of commercial time in the average game (32.98 percent, or 63 minutes). The result? An average of 83 minutes of commercials every week, or Jalen Lecque Jersey 23.5 hours over a 17-week season, not including the playoffs.Take the 8.7-hour-per-week figure for average fantasy football goers, and the numbers are even more startling. If you're like most fantasy football players who tune in on NFL Sundays, you're averaging 172-plus hours of ad consumption -- or more than a full week of watching Ricky Rubio Jersey commercials. Now think about how many months you may have eaten up over the years! At Josh Hall Jersey the end of the day, the stats can be scary, but for the NFL, they're -- more than $3 billion, to be exact. So barring a global event in which every NFL fan moves to the RedZone channel, as long as fans keep watching, the ads will keep playing.
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